Bitch Team Alpha was created by Katey Lee in April of 2014 and launched in May of 2014 with the help of Amanda, Katie Leone, Katie Tregs, Robin, and Jessica. BTA started as a network of podcasts, but quickly evolved to include editorial and review content, as well. Currently, Bitch Team Alpha focuses on delivering awesome audio, video, and written content with a focus on gaming and entertainment from a female perspective for everyone to enjoy.
After a year-long hiatus, Katie Tregs and Jessica relaunched BTA Podcasts with new podcasts and contributors!

Latest Episodes

Animorphous Discussion 004: Whale What Do We Have Here?

In this episode of Animorphous Discussion, Robin explains how the Animorphs just plain continue to make bad decisions. Amber and Jessica provide several consistently b...

Bitches & Liches 011: Enormous Frog Secret Part 5

In episode 11 of Bitches & Liches, we get waaaay off track, go on a lot of tangents, and make Jessica wish she never started this damn show. Best quote from this episo...

Animorphous Discussion 003: Too Hawk to Handle

In this episode of Animorphous Discussion, Robin teaches Jessica and Amber a little bit about how hard it is to be stuck in the body of a hawk forever. They actually d...

Bitches & Liches 010: Enormous Frog Secret Part 4

In part 4 of Enormous Frog Secret, the group has a punderful encounter with Kiki, the evil swamp sorcerer, and they learn more about the enormous frog secret! Also, th...

Animorphous Discussion 002: Yeerkplace Drama

In this episode of Animorphous Discussion, Robin teaches Jessica and Katie Tregs that cats are great gymnasts, Controllers can't imitate love, and work can be tough no...

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